A tripartite Memorandum on Interaction and Cooperation in the field of disaster preparedness was signed

On June 20, 2024, at the Center, a tripartite Memorandum of Interaction and Cooperation was signed between the Director of the Center, Mr. Serik Aubakirov, Acting Head of the Department of Seismic Safety and Mobilization Preparation of the Akimat of Almaty Mr. B. Suleimenov and Chairman of the Board of the Almaty Development Center Mr. A. Shovkoplyas.

Thus, during a study visit to the Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction of the management of the Department of Seismic Safety and Mobilization Preparation of the Akimat of Almaty and the Implementation Group for the basic direction “Safe City” of the Project Office of the Akimat of Almaty, the parties expressed interest in close interaction and cooperation in matters of further development and implementation of information and communication technologies as part of the implementation of measures to reduce the risk of natural disasters, including:

- to create a Regional Early Warning System and mutual information about the threat of emergency situations, by integrating the existing national systems of the countries of Central Asia;

- integration of the digital platform “Situation Center of the City of Almaty” with GIS and other digital platforms developed by the Center within the framework of international projects, programs and grants.

Thus, the integration of national seismological monitoring systems of the countries of Central Asia will in the future allow the population of the city of Almaty to receive early warning of an approaching seismic wave, the epicenter of which may be in a neighboring state.