«UAV development in order to ensure safety of territories and people including vulnerable groups from disasters»
Information on the project:

The main goal of the project is to improve effectiveness of operation for prevention and disaster response applying unmanned aerial vehicles. Currently, the most promising approaches of the use of UAVs are:
- Disaster prevention through early visual identification of risk areas and further ongoing and periodic monitoring of areas;
- Urgent delivery of small (by weight and volume) freights (medical supplies, vaccines);
- Participation in rescue operations during the emergency situation;
- Urgent provision of temporary communication (mobile communication GSM and Wi-Fi) in the emergency area;
- Estimation of losses from disasters (identification of damages and required measures for transport and household infrastructure recovery).
Within the frame of the project purchased:
- UAV package: drone Dji Matrice Matrice 210 V2 Combo, thermal camera DJI Zenmuse XT2 ZXT2B19SR, camera DJI Zenmuse Z30;

- 2 licenses of software for post-flight data processing «Pix4Dmapper».

Within the frame of the Project the Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction jointly with UNICEF in Kazakhstan has been conducted 4 national and 1 regional trainings on the use of UAVs for purposes of emergency prevention and response:

The training was held for officers of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan on the use of UAV for purposes of emergency prevention and response.

The training conducted for officers of territorial divisions of MES from south regions on the use of UAV’s for purposes of emergency prevention and response.

The regional training conducted in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic, aimed to share experience and education on the use of UAV’s by Emergency authorities of Central Asian countries.

The training was held on the use of UAV for purposes of emergency prevention and response.

The training was conducted for cadets of the 2nd and 3rd courses of the Academy of Civil Protection named after M. Gabdullin of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the use of UAV for purposes of emergency prevention and response.
During trainings participants together with trainers and the Center’s experts:
As a result of conducted trainings is preparation of specialists on the use of UAVs, creation high-quality orthomosaic, 3D models of buildings, digital terrain models and altitude maps.
The events were conducted in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, taking into account the current situation with the coronavirus.
were conducted within the frame of the Project.
from 5 countries took part in events.
total time of UAV testing flights.
The Project focal points:
Senior expert of the Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction
e-mail: ospanov_cesdrr@mail.ru
Coordinator of UNICEF's Child Resilience Program in Kazakhstan
e-mail: astativkina@unicef.org
© 2022 Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction | United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.