In the new year 2021, experts held a virtual meeting and coordinate measures to strengthen financial resilience and accelerate disaster risk reduction in Central Asia
In 2020, a four-year Program «Strengthening Financial Resilience and Accelerating Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Asia» was launched in the region, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the World Bank under the management of the Global Fund for Disaster Reduction and Recovery.
It’s expected that as a result of the quality implementation of all components of this program Central Asia countries will be supported in building resilience to disasters and strengthening capacities in the field of financial protection from disasters.
On 11 January of new 2021, the World Bank together with the Center held a second online meeting, which was attended by members of the Regional science and technology council, national focal points of Sendai Framework on DRR, representatives of the European Union, experts from scientific institutions of Central Asian countries and international organizations.
The meeting participants heard and discussed the revised preliminary report of the Consortium led by RED Risk Engineering + Development, as well as presented their comments, feedbacks and proposals that should be taken into account in a regional disaster risk assessment of earthquakes, river and rain floods and selected landslides.
In addition, the meeting participants presented to the Consortium experts a number of proposals for using the potential of local experts, institutions and research groups in the implementation of the Program, which play their role in disaster risk management and emergency response planning.
As a result of this event, an agreed decision was made to hold similar working meetings to discuss the implementation of the Program «Strengthening Financial Sustainability and Accelerating Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Asia» on a regular basis, as well as the need to submit materials and documents and expand constructive dialogue electronically.
Annex: Concept note