The Center participated in the Round Table organized by GIZ

On March 5 of the current year in Astana, the Center's delegation consisting of Senior Expert B. Ospanov and IT specialist M.Tolybek took part in the Round Table organized by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) on “Coordination of actions on adaptation to climate change at the national level and opportunities for practical application of macroeconomic model”.

The event was also attended by representatives of interested governmental bodies, non-governmental and international organizations.

The purpose of the Roundtable was to demonstrate the results of the analysis of the consequences of various scenarios of climate impacts and the impact of individual adaptation measures on the economy of Kazakhstan, conducted by the teams of GIZ, GWS, Berlin Economics and the Institute of Economic Research using the macroeconomic model

For reference: “” model was developed within the framework of the global program “Policy Recommendations for Climate Resilient Economic Development” to analyze the impacts of climate change and adaptation measures on the economy of Kazakhstan, which allows to identify the most effective adaptation options and improve the effectiveness of decision-making in various sectors of the economy.

During the discussion of further steps to improve the country's resilience to climate change, the Center's senior expert B. Ospanov proposed to consider climate risks for Kazakhstan in the context of transboundary threats, focusing on the development and promotion of practical measures to improve the mechanism of exchange of hydrometeorological data between the countries of Central Asia, modernization of hydrometeorological monitoring systems of the countries of the region and the creation of a regional early warning system for transboundary threats.