Training for employees of the DES of regions on the methodology for assessing mudflow hazard in the Republic of Kazakhstan
On November 17, 2022, as part of the implementation of the project of the Center and the OSCE "Improving the methodology and practice of monitoring, assessing disaster risk using innovative information and communication technologies (ICT)", employees of the Center and the Institute of Geography and Water Security conducted a training for representatives of the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the methodology for monitoring and assessing mudflow hazard in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
During the event, the results of field studies on monitoring, assessing mudflow risk in the Ulken Almaty River basin, as well as Methodological recommendations for monitoring, assessing the risk of mudflow hazard using unmanned aircraft, space monitoring and GIS technologies, developed based on international best practices, were presented.
These recommendations are a modern tool for identifying mudflow risk in the highlands of Kazakhstan, which allows obtaining unique information for a better understanding and obtaining quantitative parameters of the processes that cause outbursts of moraine-glacial lakes and the formation of glacial mudflows.
In total, 20 employees of the Department of Emergency Situations of the regions took part in the event.