UN Member States Dialogue Series - Central Asia COVID-19: Exchange of experiences on response and building resilience to pandemic risk
An online event brought together more than 90 practitioners from the government institutions and international organizations working in the Central Asia region. The event was organized with the aim to discuss current issues with the spread of the COVID-19, as well as exchange experiences and lessons learned in countering the spread of the pandemic.
Over the past 9 months, the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted heavy damage on our region, and today, according to official data in general across the region, except for the Republic of Turkmenistan, about 240 thousand cases of coronavirus infection have been registered, and the number of deaths tall has exceeded 3500 cases.
The pandemic has affected each of the Central Asian countries, its population and the government agencies. It caused serious economic and social losses, damaged various sectors of livelihoods. Regional interaction has suffered from the closure of borders and lengthy restrictions imposed on the movement of goods and people across the borders.
The event was organized and hosted by CESDRR in partnership with UNDRR and WHO regional office for Europe and financial support of the European Union. Online discussion on the basis of the Center served as a platform for engaging stakeholders in the CA region.
The online discussion provided an opportunity to review pressing issues taking into account such global strategies and initiatives as SDGs, and highlighting the conjunction between the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030 and the International Health Regulations (2005).
Participants also received first-hand information about the current activities undertaken on the spot by the government structures, including emergency institutions and ministries of health in close cooperation and technical/financial support of international donor agencies, international organizations and partners from the non-governmental sector.
At the same time, the speakers highlighted the strengths of the sectors in responding to a pandemic, as well as the need for further strengthening of the capacities to respond to a pandemic. Details of the outcomes of discussion with conclusions, as well as the follow up actions will be reflected in the final report of the event.