CESDRR experts conducted training on mainstreaming the disaster risk management for specialist of the state institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan
The two training sessions held on 04-07 of August and 10-13 of August of 2021 were delivered by Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction (CESDRR) jointly with Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) for specialists of the state institutions of the republic of Tajikistan within the framework of the National Disaster Risk Management Project. This training activities are part of the series of capacity building events on Disaster Risk Reduction for the specialists of state institutions of the country.
Key objectives of the training:
- Review important terms, concepts, and key considerations in DRM
- Enhance the knowledge on the concepts of mainstreaming CC and DRM into national institutions’ sector policies, plans, programs, and actions
- Develop operational skills on establishing/ strengthening inter-ministerial/inter-departmental partnerships for mainstreaming CC and DRM into their sector programs, plans, and actions
- Increase the capacity of participants to undertake advocacy, and promote awareness of the GoRT on mainstreaming CC and DRM into its national institutions, programs, projects, plans, and actions
Total 37 representatives from Committee on Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (CoES and CD) under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and Emergency Departments of other state ministries and institutions participated in the training.
The course on Mainstreaming the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in state institutions covered six different modules, including:
Module 1: Important Terms and Concepts in Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
Module 2: Essentials of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, and Global Agendas
Module 3: Linking Disasters and Development
Module 4: Governance for Managing Climate and Disaster Risk
Module 5: Development of National and Local CCDRM Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions
Module 6: Action Planning
Modules were delivered synchronously that included combination of face-to-face and live sessions. Related materials developed by trainers from CESDRR and ADPC were provided to participants. Sessions were interactive in nature and contained group work for participants to practice applying the concepts covered by the course.
These trainings will allow specialists from CoESD and CD and emergency departments of state ministries and institutions to actively apply the acquired knowledge and skills in their work on mainstreaming the DRM and CCA in sectoral policies, plans, programs and actions of national institutions and for carrying out advocacy work.
Within the given project framework, the CESDRR jointly with ADPC are planning to deliver following two trainings during the August of 2021:
- 19-20 of August on: «Financing for Disaster Risk Management»;
- 24-26 of August on: «Participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning in disaster risk management».
The National Disaster Risk Management Project is implemented by international consulting company EPTISA and managed by the Project Implementation Unit of the CoES and CD with support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).