The Center has studied the advanced practices in disaster data collection and damage and loss estimation
On 29-30 November 2022 the senior expert of the Center B. Ospanov took part in the Technical Expert Forum on: “Tracking on the hazardous events and disaster damage and loss”, organized by UNDRR jointly with UNDP and WMO in Bonne (Germany). The purpose of the Forum – strengthening existing standards and processes in data collection, cooperation and interaction between stakeholders, as well as providing transparency of disaster data.
The event was focused on study of existing achievements in the field of disaster damage and loss assessment, disaster data collection, development of international cooperation and partnership, as well as detection of existing issues and gaps in this field.
The CESDRR Senior expert presented information on achieved outcomes in regional and international cooperation development in DRR and climate change adaptation in Central Asia by establishing high-level permanent consultative platform in the format of the Regional Forum – Meeting of the Heads of Emergency Authorities of Central Asian countries.
At the same time, as a problematic issue in Kazakhstan and in the region, the need to develop and adopt a unified methodology for assessing damage and losses from emergencies, establishing a unified approach for public authorities and organizations to assess possible and actual damage, losses and needs from emergencies.
During the Technical Forum, international organizations presented new disaster data collection and analysis systems, such as Risk Information Exchange - RiX (UNDRR), Geohub (UNDP) and others. Desintentar Sendai. Much attention was paid to the further improvement of the current Desintentar Sendai emergency data recording system.
In the final session of the Technical Forum, as a tool to solve existing problems in the field of disaster data collection, a team of representatives from UNDP, UNDRR and MWO presented a model of a completely new disaster data recording and analysis system, which is planned to be created by integrating most of the existing systems into a single system , including and meteorological databases.
During the discussions, the participants presented their proposals for the concept of the new system, work on its further development will begin in 2023, taking into account the proposals received.
In total, the event was attended by 83 representatives of government agencies, regional international organizations and the private sector from more than 40 countries.