Useful training materials in the field of DRR, CCA in the framework of the ADB - EPTISA project
- Disaster and Climate Proofing Strategies, Programmes, Plans, and Actions for Agriculture, Energy, Education, Environment, Health, Transport, and Water.
- Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Climate Agreement
- Effective leadership and coordination in disaster risk management and climate change
- Essential Features of the Mainstreaming Process
- Evolution of Disaster Risk Management. The Disciplines Involved
- Gender and Social Inclusion. Integration into strategies, programmes, plans and actions
- Guidelines and Requirements for Developing, Implementing and Monitoring National and Local DRR Strategies In the Context of UNDRR and SDG
- Important Terms and Concepts in Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management
- Mainstreaming DRM and climate change issues from national strategies, programmes, and plans to action at the local level
- Nature of Disasters and Development. Their Linkage
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
- Global and Regional Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (DRFI) Facilities
- Global Financing or Funding facilities for DRM and CCA
- National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF), Pakistan
- Overview of Risk Financing Instruments
- Pakistan. Multi-Donor Trust Fund in Emergencies - Crisis
- Resource Mobilization Strategies for Disaster Risk Management
- Risk Financing Instruments in the Context of Government of Republic of Tajikistan